Monday, March 14, 2011

AmeriCorps in New York is Under Attack - An important message from the AmeriCorps Alums Team

New York needs your help! The fate of AmeriCorps is currently being decided in the Senate and its IMPERATIVE that we make our voices heard. The turn-out for District Day was phenomenal, and now we need you to Make the Call ( On Tuesday, March 15th we're holding a nationwide call in to the Senate, telling them to keep CNCS and AmeriCorps funded.

Making the call is easy! Click here ( to sign up and receive an e-mail reminder on the 15th to call in. To call, just dial 1-855-US-SERVE, enter your zip code and you will be patched to a Senator's office. When you call, all you have to do is say who you are, that you are calling to support service in America, and that you want your Senator to vote to keep AmeriCorps funded. Simple! Just make sure, if you work for the government or are currently serving in AmeriCorps, you DO NOT call when you are working. If this does apply to you, you can make the call during your time off for lunch.

You've all done a great job raising your voices in support of Service and they are starting to be heard. However, we still have a long fight ahead of us. Please help us spread the word by forwarding this email to friends and family to sign up as well! Then on March, 15th let's flood the offices of the Senate with calls to support service. Together we CAN save AmeriCorps!

Want to support the fight to keep AmeriCorps going strong?

Please Donate at