Wednesday, October 26, 2011

News I think is Super Interesting Right Now

Community Managers Meetup:
Anything with the hashtag #CMmeetup or from @CMmeetup. Take a look and follow them. You won't be disappointed.

The Occupy Wall Street Movement:
I'm interested in all the news angles. Although I'm not sure yet which is the official Twitter feed: @OccupyWallStNYC or @OccupyWallSt.

Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity:
Physicists announced last week that they found neutrinos could travel faster than the speed of light. This story relates to time travel!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

9/11 Remembrance and Hurricane Irene Service Updates:

From MyGoodDeed, HandsOn, Points of Light, ServiceNation and AmeriCorps Alums

MyGoodDeed is working to organize the largest day of charitable service in U.S. history by coordinating a variety of service programs on the anniversary of 9/11. We can participate and make a difference by performing good deeds, supporting charitable causes, volunteering, and engaging others in acts of compassion. Read more here:

Good & Ready with HandsOn, Points of Light and partners. Timing is everything. Good & Ready launched in August 2011 to help Americans learn how to prepare for disasters. And then came Irene for those on the East Coast. Please visit the site below to learn how to create a plan, build a kit, help others and get trained.

You can also help others recover by visiting and click on the “Action Center Updates” and register to provide support to the East Coast states.

ServiceNation launches new Service as a Strategy initiative designed to help mayors identify and implement high-impact service strategies that address local challenges. This week they unveiled the two newest blueprints: Sustainable Home Makeover and Prepared is Protected. See all the blueprints here:

Two great AmeriCorps Alums updates: AmeriCorps Alums is participating in a 9/11 grant competition worth $50K over the next three years (via Chapters participating will be eligible for a $500 award. Here’s what you need to do: Get registered at AmeriCorps Alums, then contact your local chapter leaders on your chapter page. Click here:

Alums is also looking to highlight stories of AmeriCorps alumni/AmeriCorps Alums chapters related to Make A Difference Day 2011. If you are interested in having your story highlighted please do same as above: Get registered at AmeriCorps Alums, then contact your local chapter leaders on your chapter page. Click here:

Thursday, May 12, 2011

AmeriCorps Alums Happy Hour and Projects for AmeriCorps Week!

NYC Chapter of AmeriCorps Alums Happy Hour and Projects for AmeriCorps Week!

Attention NYC area AmeriCorps Alums chapter members. Come help us celebrate AmeriCorps Week with NYC Chapter Alums and current AmeriCorps members!

Time: Wednesday, May 18 from 5PM to 7PM, (free cocktails & pizza from 5-6PM, but please stay longer)

RSVP here:

Location: Nolita House, 47 East Houston Street, Upstairs, NYC 10012 (212) 625-1712 (located between Mott & Mulberry Streets, south side of Houston) Subway: Take the F, M, B or D train to Broadway Lafayette or the 6 train to Bleecker.

Discount: Complimentary well drinks (and limited supply of pizza) for AmeriCorps Alums and members from 5PM to 6PM

Get connected, get organized, and get networked…

Please RSVP here for the happy hour:

Please also sign up for a Service Project here:


Neal Gorman


Monday, April 4, 2011

The AmeriCorps, NCCC and VISTA Twitter List

No one has a good list yet on Twitter so I'm making my own. We have 101 and it's growing. The AmeriCorps members, alums who tweet list is at @ me and get listed. Alums are our future and current leaders - they know how to get things done and make a difference.

Monday, March 14, 2011

AmeriCorps in New York is Under Attack - An important message from the AmeriCorps Alums Team

New York needs your help! The fate of AmeriCorps is currently being decided in the Senate and its IMPERATIVE that we make our voices heard. The turn-out for District Day was phenomenal, and now we need you to Make the Call ( On Tuesday, March 15th we're holding a nationwide call in to the Senate, telling them to keep CNCS and AmeriCorps funded.

Making the call is easy! Click here ( to sign up and receive an e-mail reminder on the 15th to call in. To call, just dial 1-855-US-SERVE, enter your zip code and you will be patched to a Senator's office. When you call, all you have to do is say who you are, that you are calling to support service in America, and that you want your Senator to vote to keep AmeriCorps funded. Simple! Just make sure, if you work for the government or are currently serving in AmeriCorps, you DO NOT call when you are working. If this does apply to you, you can make the call during your time off for lunch.

You've all done a great job raising your voices in support of Service and they are starting to be heard. However, we still have a long fight ahead of us. Please help us spread the word by forwarding this email to friends and family to sign up as well! Then on March, 15th let's flood the offices of the Senate with calls to support service. Together we CAN save AmeriCorps!

Want to support the fight to keep AmeriCorps going strong?

Please Donate at

Saturday, February 12, 2011

AmeriCorps Elimination Cuts, Please Help, Take Action Now

If you have not heard yet, there have been some critically significant proposals to cut, and perhaps eliminate entirely, AmeriCorps programs (this includes the Corporation for National and Community Service – that's the gov't arm that funds most of your nation's service related programs).


This is fast moving so please do what you can ASAP. The cuts will be considered on the House floor next week!


There have been a number of sites created in the immediate aftermath of the announcement. Rather than bombard or confuse you with all the addresses, here are a few that I think have the most up to date and accurate info. 


Click here for the AmeriCorps Alums blog to learn more on how alums can respond to the proposed cuts (includes Twitter and FB links):


Click here for ServiceNation's info and how to contact your local Rep ASAP


See another FB page called "Stand For AmeriCorps" at This page 1st started as a FB group at


Stay tuned, stay informed, and please help!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

AmeriCorps Alums You Should Know -- Megan Hill, Seattle

Megan Hill is a writer, nonprofit consultant and certified grant writer in the Greater Seattle Area. She's also a two-time AmeriCorps alumna with a memoir about her year with NCCC in the works. Her Twitter handle is @YeahService and she has more than 5,000 followers. Megan also hosts a web site and blog that she regularly updates. See her most recent post "What to pack for AmeriCorps NCCC" from just a few days ago. Thanks for carrying on the mission to serve Megan!

Learn about other great volunteers and those that have served in AmeriCorps, like me, by joining my LinkedIn AmeriCorps networking group: