Just a few dollars can make a big difference. In fact, $25 buys five blankets to be used at a Red Cross shelter. If you can give, please click here to donate to Red Cross disaster relief.
2010 ING NYC Marathon page http://bit.ly/9mudwh
Just a few dollars can make a big difference. In fact, $25 buys five blankets to be used at a Red Cross shelter. If you can give, please click here to donate to Red Cross disaster relief.
2010 ING NYC Marathon page http://bit.ly/9mudwh
It’s the final week. ING NYC Marathon starts in 4 days, 18 hours! I’m super excited, but I do have a few complaints just for fun:
Last one: I'm not tired of this though. If you can give $5 or $100, please click here. I am running to raise money for Red Cross disaster relief. Thanks!
ING NYC Marathon page http://bit.ly/9mudwh