I just finished running the
I recently told the social media director at NYRR, when he asked how the training was going, that I was sick of running, hated running and would never train for the ING NYC Marathon again. Well, there really is something to be said about pushing yourself as far as you can. At that moment I was truly fed up with it all. But when you reach a milestone, beat a personal record or a goal, it puts things into perspective. I take it back now, not sick of running, I really don't hate running, I'm glad to be running and reaching goals, so I take it back.
Now, about the compression gear. It works. No chafing or shaved off nipples or anything. A bit of body glide on some sensitive areas just in case and everything tightly wrapped up in compression shorts and shirt. Works perfect. I have to thank all the runners who gave me feedback on that.
Speaking of reaching goals. I am after all, running the upcoming NYC Marathon to raise money for Red Cross disaster relief. If you can give $5 or 100, please click here. Thanks!
ING NYC Marathon page http://bit.ly/9mudwh