The I AM AmeriCorps Portrait Project is an awareness campaign to recognize the millions of individuals who work to build and strengthen communities through AmeriCorps. There are currently over 600 portraits of alumni, members and supporters. You can help!
IMAGINE a collection of half a million portraits to represent the power of a collection of half a million portraits to represent the power of AmeriCorps.
CONNECT with the AmeriCorps family through photos. with the AmeriCorps family through photos.
SUPPORT the campaign by taking photos holding an “I AM AmeriCorps” sign and post on Facebook.
INFLUENCE Americans to support one of the largest national serviceprograms in the country.
Action Item
Our goal is to build the collection to at least a half a million photos to be a symbol of the power of service. Show your support and post a photo holding an "I AM AmeriCorps" sign.
- Click here </resource/resmgr/miscellaneous/i_am_americorps_sign_alums.pdf> to download and print the sign.
- Join the Facebook group at <>
- Download and distribute the I AM AmeriCorps postcard. Download here </resource/resmgr/i_am_americorps/i_am_ac_postcard.pdf>
Upload your photo to the Facebook group to officially join the Portrait Project!