You can become a HERO for the American Red Cross in Greater New York by raising $1,000 to support our mission. These funds will be used to assist our neighbors when they need it most…providing food, clothing, shelter and crisis counseling to those affected by disaster.
HEROES are encouraged to be creative in the way they raise funds, to engage in friendly competition and to have FUN while meeting their goals. Online fundraising is one of the easiest ways to reach your goal. All you need to do is to start your own personal page now by clicking here:
Want to join with friends or co-workers and raise even more? Create your own team and set your own goal (with each team member pledging to raise at least $1,000). When you create your team, you designate yourself as Team Captain, choose a name for your team, and actively solicit team members to join your efforts to support the American Red Cross in Greater New York! Click here to create a team:
Join a Team that has already been created. You will be asked to search for and select the team by name. You may want to contact the Team Captain for the team name if needed. Click here to join a team:
Prefer to change a life now? Donate by clicking here:

For more information about donating, volunteering and training, call 1-877-RED CROSS (1-877-733-2767), or visit