Tuesday, November 3, 2009

ING NYC Marathon Success - $3,343 Raised for Red Cross!

On November 1st, 2009, I joined more than 40,000 runners from around the world in the 40th running of the ING NYC Marathon. Like them, I trained for months and surprisingly, conquered the distance and self-doubt. Some call it the Mt. Everest of running races, a grueling 26.2-mile race through all five boroughs of New York City. I am not sure I will ever run it again, but I am very glad to have had the privilege, especially knowing that I was running for a good cause too - the American Red Cross.

The race is over but the fundraising goes on and so do all the fires, disasters and emergencies in New York - which is why we ran. Please continue to help if you can. My fundraising page will be active and online through mid December. Every little bit you contribute helps.

Contribute Here:

I didn't break any records but achieved a personal milestone in the race, finishing at 4:53:02. I wanted to give up plenty of times, especially at mile 8 when I was only a few blocks from my apartment (photo above, that's me on the left of the 4:45 pace setter), but I was surrounded by so many inspiring people who helped keep the momentum going.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Twitter Challenge Gets a Mention in PRWeek Blog

Fundraising for the Red Cross with Twitter
From The Cycle on PRWeek
"Neal Gorman, the VP of PR at Lutheran Medical Center in Brooklyn, NY, and chairman of the Brooklyn Chapter of the American Red Cross, is using Twitter to raise money as he runs the New York City Marathon on November 1..."

Full story online here: http://www.prweekus.com/Fundraising-for-the-Red-Cross-with-Twitter/article/155736

See posts below for $5 Red Cross Twitter Challenge information.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

$5 Red Cross Twitter Challenge Gets a Mention in Brooklyn Daily Eagle

Marathon Runners Look To Raise Money as They Race
From the Brooklyn Daily Eagle
"Neal Gorman, my golf buddy and a chairman of the Brooklyn Chapter of the American Red Cross, is running in the NYC Marathon and using Twitter to raise funds for the Red Cross. That’s right, Twitter."

Full story online here: http://www.brooklyneagle.com/categories/category.php?category_id=8&id=31324
See post below for $5 Red Cross Twitter Challenge information.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Can Twitter help raise money for a good cause? $5 Red Cross Twitter Challenge starts now!

Like you, I'm on Twitter and catching up on all my friends and followers. But can Twitter help raise money for a good cause?

Update: Not into Twitter? I've added a $5 challenge on Facebook too - please join here http://www.facebook.com/nealgorman?ref=profile#/event.php?eid=293661790493&ref=mf

Here's the challenge, I'm running the NYC Marathon (see full post below) as part of an official American Red Cross charitable team. There are 15 of us and we each need to raise $2,500. As you know, every little bit helps - that's where the $5 Red Cross Twitter Challenge comes in. Lets prove that a little tweeting can go a long way. If you are on Twitter, play along and when you contribute your $5, please re-tweet (RT) a $5 Red Cross Twitter Challenge mention. Like this:
"RT @nealgorman Can Twitter help raise money for a good cause? $5 Red Cross Twitter Challenge starts now! Details at http://bit.ly/macGc" so we can track it.

If you do a Twitter search you'll see that it's picking up some steam, but we need to turn the RTs into $5 donations to the Red Cross.

Twitter link http://twitter.com/nealgorman.

See Progress here: http://american.redcross.org/goto/ngorman.


Monday, October 12, 2009

I am a Runner for Team Red Cross in the NYC Marathon

I need your help! I have accepted a challenge from the Red Cross to change a life, starting with my own. I have registered to be a Runner for Team Red Cross, one of the charity partners for this year's 2009 ING NYC Marathon.

There is nothing more powerful than the heart of a volunteer, which is what's inspired me to do what I can to help the Red Cross and the over 7,000 volunteers that support the organization. On Sunday, November 1st I'll begin my long journey through the five boroughs of New York Manhattan, Brooklyn, Staten Island, Queens and the Bronx. I'll be running those 26.2 miles alongside my fellow Red Cross team, including the CEO of the organization Theresa A. Bischoff.

I've committed to raise $2,500 to support my Red Cross's ongoing, vital programs and services. Every day, the Red Cross offers domestic disaster relief. It also provides compassionate services in five other areas: community services that help the needy; support and comfort for military members and their families; the collection, processing and distribution of lifesaving blood and blood products; educational programs that promote health and safety; and international relief and development programs.

I'm reaching out to family and friends like you, to help me reach my fundraising goal. I'm asking for your help to ensure lifesaving courses are always available in our community. I'm asking for those who have suffered by the devastation of a house fire. I'm asking because I know nearly everyone in this community has been touched by Red Cross, directly or indirectly, through services and programs vital to our community.

Please join me by making a gift. Your donation makes a critical difference in the lives of so many. Just follow the links: 

Click here to visit my personal page.
If the text above does not appear as a clickable link, you can visit the web address:

Thursday, October 8, 2009

AmeriCorps Alums Service Project - Oct. 17 - Sign up Now

AmeriCorps Alums Service Project - Oct. 17 - Sign up Now

Our next AmeriCorps Alums service project for the NYC area is New York Cares Day (Oct. 17). An AmeriCorps Alums Team has been placed at an awesome school in Brooklyn. Volunteers will be painting hallways and classrooms, painting murals and planting bulbs around the school and it's also a press site—pretty ideal.

Not in the NYC area? The please check the AmeriCorps Alums web site (americorpsalums.org) and find your local chapter. And if you don't see a local chapter, you can start one! Don't see an event to join, you can also host your own service project!
Here is how to sign up for the NYC event:

To sign up for New York Cares Day:

• Visit www.newyorkcaresday.org
• Select "Register Here"
• Choose "Join a Team," and then select "AmeriCorps Alumni" from the drop down menu
• Fill in all of the fields and follow the prompts to complete your registration
• As an AmeriCorps Alum you will receive a discount on the Registration Fee for the event (it's also a fundraiser so we can help New York Cares do all that they do). When you come to the Registration Fee section, please enter the discount code "NYCD008" to receive a $10 discount on the donation to register.

Yours in Service,

Friday, September 11, 2009

Busy Year Puts Strain on Brooklyn Red Cross Coffers

Change a life. Be a Hero for the Brooklyn American Red Cross.

From News12
Busy Year Puts Strain on Brooklyn Red Cross Coffers

(09/09/09) BROOKLYN - The Brooklyn Red Cross has been struggling to stay afloat amid a tough economy coupled with a series of emergencies that took a toll on its resources.

In the 2009 fiscal year, the Brooklyn Red Cross responded to 864 emergencies at a total cost of $2.9 million. Since the beginning of the 2010 fiscal year in July, the Red Cross has responded to 528 disasters, offering victims food, clothing and shelter.

"I wouldn't say the Red Cross would close, but our funds and services would be severely limited," says Neal Gorman.

Red Cross officials say they will begin a fundraising campaign to help the organization.

If you are a subscriber you can see the full story and video here on the News12 site http://www.news12.com/articleDetail.jsp?articleId=235381&position=4&news_type=news.

Please consider helping us by joining our new campaign, We Are The Red Cross - Here In Brooklyn. It's easy and all you need to do is sign up online at  http://american.redcross.org/brooklynheroes.


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Be Red Cross Ready with your September Preparedness Tips

gny logo banner

The American Red Cross in Greater New York is here to help you avoid, prepare for, and cope with emergencies. Please click on the image below to access your September preparedness tips.

 Click here to get prepared!





Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I AM AmeriCorps Portrait Project "I serve, therefore, I AM!"

The I AM AmeriCorps Portrait Project is an awareness campaign to recognize the millions of individuals who work to build and strengthen communities through AmeriCorps. There are currently over 600 portraits of alumni, members and supporters. You can help!

    IMAGINE a collection of half a million portraits to represent the power of a collection of half a million portraits to represent the power of AmeriCorps.

    CONNECT with the AmeriCorps family through photos. with the AmeriCorps family through photos.
    SUPPORT the campaign by taking photos holding an “I AM AmeriCorps” sign and post on Facebook.
    INFLUENCE Americans to support one of the largest national serviceprograms in the country.

Action Item

Our goal is to build the collection to at least a half a million photos to be a symbol of the power of service. Show your support and post a photo holding an "I AM AmeriCorps" sign.

    • Click here </resource/resmgr/miscellaneous/i_am_americorps_sign_alums.pdf> to download and print the sign.
    • Join the Facebook group at <http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=70681798962>
    • Download and distribute the I AM AmeriCorps postcard. Download here </resource/resmgr/i_am_americorps/i_am_ac_postcard.pdf>

Upload your photo to the Facebook group to officially join the Portrait Project!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Last chance to help Red Cross get double!!

Your Red Cross donation will be matched if you donate today or tomorrow, visit now!

Pretty Please!


Friday, March 20, 2009

Help Celebrate with AmeriCorps Alums!

You are cordially invited to celebrate AmeriCorps Week with AmeriCorps Alums!

  Saturday, May 16th, 7:05pm

Where: Nationals Stadium, Washington DC (Nationals v. Phillies)

Cost: ONLY $7 per ticket!

Let's make it a 'National' night of service… join AmeriCorps, AmeriCorps Alums and all our supporters and friends at the Nationals/Phillies game to celebrate the finale of AmeriCorps Week 2009! GET YOUR TICKETS HERE

Our challenge: If we can bat .500 (by getting 500 AmeriCorps members, alums, friends and family to buy tickets) There will be a special on-field recognition of AmeriCorps and Alums!  

Help us bat .500 by:

  • Buying a ticket or several!
  • Getting your friends and family to buy tickets!
  • Spreading the word through facebook, twitter or other social networking!
  • Posting the link to buy tickets on your website or blog: http://protected.tickets.com/buy/MLBOnsale?poid=15007&orgid=17&agency=WSHNB2B14
  • Encouraging your (former or current) program director/program to buy tickets for corps members or young people/families (makes a great graduation gift!)
  • Asking friends or family to buy tickets as gifts

 CLICK HERE TO BUY YOUR TICKETS!!! Or call 202.675.6287(NATS) and reference Group Code: 356207

Thanks for all you do and we'll see you at the ballpark!

The AmeriCorps Alums Team

 Questions?  Contact: Whitney Soenksen, Member Services and Outreach Coordinator, AmeriCorps Alums

   Sponsored by: AmeriCorps Alums (www.americorpsalums.org)


Monday, March 9, 2009

Closing Bell at NASDAQ

Brooklyn Red Cross Board Member Helps Ring NASDAQ Bell

And you all thought nothing was happening on Wall Street. Brooklyn board member, Fred Leahy, helps ring the NASDAQ bell, see him 2nd photo far left. Click the link below:


Saturday, February 28, 2009

Become a Red Cross HERO! Change a life.

You can become a HERO for the American Red Cross in Greater New York by raising $1,000 to support our mission. These funds will be used to assist our neighbors when they need it most…providing food, clothing, shelter and crisis counseling to those affected by disaster.

HEROES are encouraged to be creative in the way they raise funds, to engage in friendly competition and to have FUN while meeting their goals. Online fundraising is one of the easiest ways to reach your goal. All you need to do is to start your own personal page now by clicking here: https://american.redcross.org/site/TRR/Heroes/Heroes09/801941218?pg=ptype&fr_id=1201

Want to join with friends or co-workers and raise even more? Create your own team and set your own goal (with each team member pledging to raise at least $1,000). When you create your team, you designate yourself as Team Captain, choose a name for your team, and actively solicit team members to join your efforts to support the American Red Cross in Greater New York! Click here to create a team: https://american.redcross.org/site/TRR/Heroes/Heroes09?pg=tfind&fr_id=1201&fr_tm_opt=new&JServSessionIdr008=9eammae8e1.app195a

Join a Team that has already been created. You will be asked to search for and select the team by name. You may want to contact the Team Captain for the team name if needed. Click here to join a team: https://american.redcross.org/site/TRR/Heroes/Heroes09?pg=tfind&fr_id=1201&JServSessionIdr008=9eammae8e1.app195a

Prefer to change a life now? Donate by clicking here: https://american.redcross.org/site/Donation2?idb=981507192&df_id=3678&FR_ID=1201&PROXY_ID=1201&PROXY_TYPE=21&3678.donation=form1

For more information about donating, volunteering and training, call 1-877-RED CROSS (1-877-733-2767), or visit http://www.nyredcross.org/.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Preparedness Tips

The American Red Cross in Greater New York is here to help you avoid, prepare for, and cope with emergencies. Please click on the image below and learn how to keep communications open with your loved ones when disaster strikes.

Click here and Get Prepared!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

AmeriCorps Week 2009!

The third annual AmeriCorps Week, which takes place May 9-16, 2009, provides the perfect opportunity for AmeriCorps members, alums, grantees, program partners, and friends to shine a spotlight on the work done by members—and to motivate more Americans to serve their communities. Many events are being planned across the country. Individuals and organizations with a special interest in AmeriCorps—especially, members, programs, and alums—are encouraged to use their creativity to mark the week in any way they see fit. The choice is up to you! http://www.americorpsweek.gov/index.asp

NDC New York Chapter donates to Red Cross Haitian Relief Fund

At a special ceremony held at the Brooklyn Red Cross, the New York Chapter of Grenada’s National Democratic Congress party donated a check in the amount of $3,000 to aid the ongoing hurricane disasters relief efforts in Haiti.

“It is an honor and a privilege to make this donation to the Red Cross for the Haitian Hurricane relief effort,” said Alfred Butler, the Chairman of the NDC NY Chapter, addressing those gathered to witness the handing over of the check at the downtown Brooklyn office of the American Red Cross.

“There can be no better organization to present this check to than the Red Cross because we know that these monies would get to the people we intend to benefit,” Butler continued.

“We appreciate the accommodation which you are giving to us today; and I am sure that the members of the National Democratic Congress [in NewYork] as well as our party’s affiliates in Grenada are proud and happy that we are doing this,” he said in closing.

More information about volunteering, donating and obtaining safety training in Brooklyn from the American Red Cross, can be obtained by calling 718-330-9200 or visiting http://www.nyredcross.org/.

AmeriCorps Alums: Free Federal and State Tax Returns!

TD Bank in Brooklyn Heights Donates $2,000 To Support Disaster Response And Preparedness

TD Bank donated $2,000 to the American Red Cross in Greater New York (ARC/GNY) for the Chapter's disaster relief efforts in Brooklyn. The presentation took place at ARC/GNY's Brooklyn office in January.

Pictured above, left to right: Denise Bloise, Director, ARC/GNY–Brooklyn; Randy A. Estrada, TD Bank Brooklyn Heights store manager; Fred Leahy, member, ARC/GNY–Brooklyn Board of Advisors; and Neal Gorman, Chairman, ARC/GNY–Brooklyn Board of Advisors.